Autism related services are now a part of Florissa, a pediatric developmental center in downtown Dixon (144 North Court Street, Dixon), which focuses on developmental, behavioral, emotional and social needs of children (0-18 years of age). Florissa is devoted to advancing ...
Community Living
Kreider Services has 22 group homes located in Dixon, Amboy, Ashton, Franklin Grove, Rock Falls, Stockton and Galena. They are beautiful homes that are “home sweet home” to are individuals. All of the Community Living homes have 24-hour supervision with ...
Day Services

The program staff of this developmental training program offer guidance and training to each individual in the areas of personal hygiene, academic and vocational skills, and socialization, which includes recreational and leisure activities. In addition, opportunities to participate in a variety ...
Early Intervention

The earliest efforts can change a child's ability for a lifetime. The Early Intervention Program of Kreider Services is funded in part by The United Way of Lee County and geared for children birth to three years of age. The ...

A collaborative partnership, Florissa is a centralized service facility for children (0-18 years of age) with behavioral, developmental, social or emotional needs. Florissa is located at 144 North Court, Dixon, Illinois 61021. The main goal of the pediatric developmental center is to provide ...
Home Based Supports
Home Based Supports is a fee-for-service program through the Illinois Department of Human Services and tailored to meet individuals' evolving needs and preferences for supports. The Home Based Services (HBS) are provided within the individual's home setting. Individuals and their guardians ...
Individual Supports

Individual Support services are available to persons with a disability who are more independent and lives in the community on their own. The program is designed to focus on offering support to individuals as they learn to manage their money, ...

Kreider Services provides Respite services to individuals (both children and adults) who have a diagnosed developmental disability and reside in Lee, Whiteside, Ogle, Stephenson, JoDaviess, or Carroll counties. The purpose of these services is to provide temporary relief to families. The ...

Special Olympics Special Olympics is dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities to become more physically fit, productive, and respected members of society through sports training and competition. The basic philosophy of Special Olympics is founded on the belief that people with ...
Production is an integral part of our Day Services Program. Contracting with numerous businesses, both locally and regionally to provide paid work options to our clients. In addition, clients working in production are able to build their skills to promote ...