Kreider Services has 22 group homes located in Dixon, Amboy, Ashton, Franklin Grove, Rock Falls, Stockton and Galena. They are beautiful homes that are “home sweet home” to are individuals.
All of the Community Living homes have 24-hour supervision with well-trained staff who are trained in compliance with the State of Illinois standards.
The size of the home’s capacity varies by home. We have an apartment with one individual and homes that have 4, 6 and 8 as capacity. They are very individualized to meet the needs of the individuals we provide services for.
It is our mission to be able to have everyone be as independent as possible which allows them to reach their fullest potential in their lives. Our staff provide training in the areas of self-care, housekeeping, laundry, daily chores, cooking and safely accessing our communities. We provide choices and can give additional training to those who require extra assistance in being successful in their daily lives.
Our agency has homes in Rock Falls that specialize in training individuals who are Deaf. Deaf Blind and Blind. We have partnered with Helen Keller and Associates in New York, to provide meaningful and useful training for our staff in order to give the very best services to our individuals.
We also have two homes which specialize in autism spectrum disorders and again have had specialized training with staff from Illinois State University. The four-single bedrooms provide the space and privacy for each person. One home is designed with a circular walking path for individuals who require space to roam and move around.
Kreider Services believes in inclusion within our community, and you will see our individuals participating in city functions, going to church at the church of their choice, volunteering in the community, taking classes, attending and joining clubs, being a part of their community and providing support as a citizen.
For more information on our Community Living Programs, contact Joanie Dinges, Social Services Representative at or call 815-288-6691.